Columbia County
New York
Public Transportation

Take Public Transportation to travel to shopping areas, County services, and Albany


On Saturday, 3/22, the Shopping Shuttle will change routes due to street closures for the "We Stand with Ukraine" march. 

Service will run as scheduled until 10:31am. After the 10:27 am Amtrak stop, the bus will avoid Warren St. and detour to Columbia St.  The 10:31am and the 11:44am 7th and Warren stops will be relocated to 7th and Columbia.

After 12:41pm, the Shopping Shuttle will return to the normal route.

This service change is for Saturday, 3/22 only. All other days/routes will continue as scheduled.

Columbia County Public Transportation services are operated by
Johnston Transportation.
For more information on the routes, fares,
and services ​call 518-672-4901 or see schedules below

Propark MOBILITY operates Shopping Shuttle and can be reached at 518-691-4948

extended hours (after 2:55 PM and Sunday) and can be reached at 518-691-4948

Track your shuttle service and
Download the BusWhere phone app*
*This BusWhere App only works for Propark Schedule and NOT Johnston Transportation

**Schedules and fares are subject to change
Buses may be a few minutes early or late depending on traffic and/or weather

Bus Routes 

Hudson-Greenport Shopping Shuttle Bus Route Brochure 2023-03-09.pdf

Shopping Shuttle

Hudson and Greenport

Every day except holidays
View Schedule

County Bus
Philmont, Claverack, Greenport, Hudson, Germantown, Ancramdale, and Copake

Monday, Wednesday and Thursday Service
Each day of the week is a different route, serving different parts of Columbia County

View Schedule 


Albany Commuter
Hudson, Greenport, Stottville, Kinderhook, Valatie, Schodack, and Albany

Monday through Friday Service
Four round trips along the western part of Columbia County to Albany

View Schedule 

Hudson, Greenport, Stottville, and Claverack

Monday through Friday Service
From Hudson City Schools, take a bus to after-school programs in Hudson. After the program, take the after-school bus home. The after-school programs include Greater Hudson Promise Neighborhood, Hudson Bluehawk Nation After School Program, Hudson Youth Center, Kite's Nest, and Perfect 10. Sign up through the participating after-school program organization.

Sign up through the participating youth program

Tickets and Fares

Passenger Policies

Columbia County Transit recognizes its obligation to transport the public in a safe and efficient manner, and to provide a pleasant and clean atmosphere in which to ride. Accordingly, Columbia County Transit has put into effect the following passenger behavior guidelines:



​Columbia County Public Transportation will deviate up to 3/4 mile off the route to pick up those individuals who cannot get to a scheduled pick-up. For information and reservations, please call by 4 PM the day prior to the ride at 518-672-4901.

For ProPark Service: For Route Deviations during Shopping Shuttle extended hours (after 2:55 PM and Sunday), please call be 4 PM the day prior to the ride at 518-691-4948.

Transportation Alerts

Get timely updates about snow delays and other transportation alerts. Sign up for the alerts by text or email at

For More Information 

Columbia County Public Transportation services are run by Johnston Transportation.
For more information on the routes, fares and services ​call 518-672-4901

To contact ProPark Mobility, the Shopping Shuttle Extended Hours Operator:
Mailing Address: PO Box 635, Hudson, NY 12534       Phone: 518-691-4948